I ain't hiding under my desk no more!

May 6, 2010

I ain’t hiding under my desk no more!

Filed under: opinion,Uncategorized — sandratwang @ 1:06 pm
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I am starting this blog to empower myself and to discuss with others, i hope, the fears that are created in us, growing up in the United States. This will create for me a process to become a human being empowered with free thought and a sense of empowerment to be a truly free individual. The picture i have posted is a image of a very early image of my training in public school of what it meant to be an American. I realized how much we as Americans are bathed in fear…What does this do to our psyches as human being? How much of our responses to modern day events and crisis are manufactured , and who and what manufactured our responses? I hope to explore these topics from a very human perspective and in the process free myself to be truly human.

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